
Posted on December 8, 2014 by Eliece Rybak

Someone said…“The space between ‘thought’ and ‘deed’ is opportunity.”

Reverencing your  husband means you seek to honor him.

Honor means to “treat as precious”…. to “appreciate the love that he is showing toward you  by accepting your husband where he is. Your goal is not to change him. Make it your goal to show him that you honor him.”

Find out what is special to him…..

…maybe just paying attention to him and spending time with him,

…maybe taking his hand when you are together,

…maybe “catching his eye” and showing him significance in public.

Would we dare to pray that the Lord would give us the “thoughts” and “deeds” that He would have us to think and do toward our husbands?

The perspective that is appropriate here is that we would not hesitate to devote ourselves to all of this for our “Husband”, the Lord Jesus Christ?  Then is it not truly what we are to fulfill toward our spouse?

Remember…. as we honor (treat as precious) the one that God has given to us to be one with, the Lord will bless it, and bring good, for His glory

Posted in MarriageWives