Posted on September 19, 2016 by Eliece Rybak
Our Goals:
~~To seek the Lord, and search for Him
with all our heart, mind, soul, and spirit (Luke 11:9; Jeremiah 29:11-13);
~~To honor and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by “treasuring Christ”
and to get to know Him more intimately;
~~experience the joy of walking in His Presence
in our daily lives…. “the JOY of the Lord is your strength”
~~To learn more fully to live by faith, trusting His character…His goodness,
His sovereign presence, His love and grace.
Do I consciously seek and search for the Lord each day? How?
- What does it mean to search for the Lord each day? (Romans 12:1&2; Acts 20 :24; Psalm 19:7-14)
- Is He the desire of your soul? (Psalm 16:3:b;16:8; Isaiah 43:1-7)
- Do I know Christ intimately? (John 20:31; I John 5:13)
- Do I have joy in Him each day? (I John 1:3&4; Phil. 4:4-9) Does my life show it? (Ephes. 5:19-21; Psalm 16:11)
- Do I know His presence in my daily walk? (John 15:1-17)
- Does my walk of faith show that I know His character?
- How do I see Him in my daily walk? (Phil. 3:9 & 10)
- Do I trust His sovereign work in my life? (Phil. 2:13; Psalm 18:30a)
- What is it that I really treasure in my life? (Matt. 6:21)
- If I do not see the Lord working and answering prayer in my life, do I get discouraged or depressed? Or can I look to Him in faith trusting the Goodness of God in my life? (Hebrews 12:1 & 2; Jere. 31:13b,14,25)
Write down the verses that best help you in your personal walk with Him. Commit them to memory. These verses should help to give you a greater view of who He is and His character.
Try to put into words who Christ really is to you. Are you trusting Him and His presence in your life because you know Him…by experience?
Step out by faith…act upon His word and promises…accept His way and His power….thank Him for His goodness to you….rest in Him.
Yield to His leading and prompting of the Holy Spirit in your life. The key to knowing His intimately is surrender.
Some suggested Verses:
Hebrews 13:5 ….He will never leave us or forsake us.
I Thes. 5:24 ….He is faithful; if He calls us to it, He will do it through us. Also, II Thes. 3:3 …He is faithful to establish us, and keep us from evil.
II Corinthians 12:9 …His grace is sufficient for everything the Lord allows, and brings into our lives. His strength is perfected (made perfect/mature) in our weaknesses, as we yield to His hand and work in our life.
Step out in faith enjoying the One who died for you, and treasures you. Give Praise to Him…He is worthy.
Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and Spirit, Encouragement for the Heart