
Posted on March 30, 2014 by Eliece Rybak

In Genesis chapter 50, there is a very amazing statement of the sovereignty of God in the life of Joseph. It says in verse 20:

…”God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day…”

There are things in this life that are very difficult. They seem so much like what…. is not suppose to be. These things are not what we expected, and maybe are so not what we really want in the depth of our hearts. Things did not work out the way we expected our Lord to work His plan in our lives. We just can’t imagine ourselves in the situation we are in.
What do we do?

We must look at the very character of God and see who He is. Is He a good God?

I am sure that Joseph over a period of 13 years did not always see what His God was doing in His life, but he trusted the Lord in His heart.

Here Joseph could say that in the hand of God, this has all come to good. Why? Because God is Good and He has a plan.
Psalm 21:3 says, “For Thou dost meet Him with the blessings of goodness….”

Jeremiah 31:14 says, “…I will satiate (fill to the full) the soul… my people shall be satisfied with my goodness.”

May the Lord fill us full of Himself, that we may stand in awe of His goodness no matter what comes into our lives.

Posted in Daily Treasures for the Soul and SpiritHeart to heart for WidowsUncategorized

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